Loan Rates

New or Used Vehicle Loans

Rates effective as of March 3, 2025

Model Years 2023 and Newer

Term APR
73-84 Months

Minimum Financing of $25,000 for 84 Months

As low as
61-72 Months

Minimum Financing of $15,000 for 72 Months

As low as
49-60 Months

Minimum Financing of $10,000 for 60 Months

As low as
0-48 Months As low as

Model Years 2020-2022

Term APR
73-84 Months

Minimum Financing of $25,000 for 84 Months

As low as
61-72 Months

Minimum Financing of $15,000 for 72 Months

As low as
49-60 Months

Minimum Financing of $10,000 for 60 Months

As low as
0-48 Months As low as

Model Years 2017-2019

Term APR
49-60 Months

Minimum Financing of $10,000 for 60 Months

As low as
0-48 Months As low as

Model Years 2016 or Older

Term APR
49-60 Months

Minimum Financing of $10,000 for 60 Months

As low as
0-48 Months As low as

Historic Autos (20 Years and Older)

Term APR
73-84 Months

Minimum Financing of $25,000 for 84 Months

As low as
61-72 Months

Minimum Financing of $15,000 for 72 Months

As low as
49-60 Month

Minimum Financing of $10,000 for 60 Months

As low as
0-48 Month As low as

4-Wheeler & Motorcycle Loans

Term APR
73-84 Months

Minimum Financing of $20,000 for 84 Months

As low as
61-72 Months

Minimum Financing of $15,000 for 72 Months

As low as
49-60 Months As low as
0-48 Months As low as

For four wheeler and UTV loans, the Credit Union will require titling on all four wheelers. For four wheeler loans financed in excess of $10,000, insurance will be required.  Motorcycle loans require title and insurance. Up to 100% Financing of MSRP or book value including tax and title.  

Recreational Vehicle & Boat Loans

Boat, Motor or Mobile Homes, RV, Lawn & Farm Equipment, Utility Trailer

Financing APR
90% Financing

Call for Term – Depending on type of vehicle purchased. 10% Down Payment Required.

As low as

APR – Annual Percentage Rate.
WEPCO assumes no responsibly for errors or omissions. Please contact the credit union to verify current rate(s) or additional information. The APR on an open-end loan is subject to change during the term of the loan. Any loan not marked as open-end is closed-end. Rates are subject to terms and conditions.

First Time Car Buyers

Rates effective as of February 26, 2024

First Time Car Buyers: Model Years 2021 and Newer

Term APR
49-60 Months First Time Car Buyers As low as
0-48 Months First Time Car Buyers As low as

First Time Car Buyers: Model Years 2018-2020

Term APR
49-60 Months First Time Car Buyers As low as
0-48 Months First Time Car Buyers As low as

First Time Car Buyers: Model Years 2015-2017

Term APR
49-60 Months First Time Car Buyers As low as
0-48 Months First Time Car Buyers As low as

Signature Loans

Rates effective as of March 3, 2025

Loan Type Term APR
Signature Loan 61-72 Months As low as
Signature Loan 49-60 Months As low as
Signature Loan 37-48 Months As low as
Signature Loan 0-36 Month As low as
Christmas & Vacation Loans Up to 12 Months As low as
One-Payment Loans 90 Days As low as

Share Pledge Loans

Rates effective as of March 3, 2025

Term APR
Up to 144 Months As low as

WEPCOLine of Credit Loans

Rates effective as of March 3, 2025

Term APR
Open-end As low as

Mortgage Loans

Rates effective as of January 1, 2025

Rates for In-House and HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) change weekly. Please call 1-800-292-8139 for today's rates.

Loan Type Term Rate
Fixed-Rate 5, 10, or 15 Years Changes Weekly - Call for Rate
HELOC: 15-year Draw 7, Payback 8 Changes Weekly - Call for Rate
HELOC: 20-Year Draw 10, Payback 10 Changes Weekly - Call for Rate

APR – Annual Percentage Rate. WEPCO assumes no responsibly for errors or omissions. Please contact the credit union to verify current rate(s) or additional information. The APR on an open-end loan is subject to change during the term of the loan. Any loan not marked as open-end is closed-end. Rates are subject to terms and conditions.

Closed End Loans
Closed end loans have a specified term for pay back, a stated payment and a fixed interest rate.

Repayment Example:  An example of a loan repayment would be 60 monthly payments of $357.07 at a fixed APR of 2.74% for $20,000 borrowed. For this example, please contact a loan officer at any Credit Union office, or use our online Loan Calculator.  In this example, the rate does not change during the term of the loan.

Open End Loans
The finance charges includes just the interest charged on the outstanding balance. The rate is variable and subject to change.

Risk Based Lending
WEPCO Federal Credit Union uses a risk based lending policy to determine a member’s interest rate. In grading a loan application, the credit bureau provides WEPCO Federal Credit Union with a calculated credit score, which is then matched to a letter score of A+, A, B, C, or D. Rates have been set according to a corresponding letter grade. The letter grade of an A+ would receive our best rate, while tiers A, B, C, and D grades would each receive a slightly higher interest rate. Rates are based on credit risk, vehicle year, term, amount financed and any required down payment.

The purpose in offering risk based loans is to help as many members as possible. We recognize that certain members represent more risk than others. We will not grant loans where the probability of repayment is very doubtful. We recognize the importance of managed risk. We also recognize members who are charged unfavorable rates with other lenders, and we could help with a managed risk program that saves these members substantial money while helping them rebuild their credit.